Version 1.1, date last modified 12/09/2022

Protection of personal and health data

The protection of your personal data is of great importance to Kremer aeromedical (Dr. Kremer – Dr. Lenaerts BV). As such, we process your personal data with the necessary care and attention to the security of this data. Personal data is all data that allows you to be identified as a person. Kremer aeromedical (Dr. Kremer – Dr. Lenaerts BV) complies with the legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data and the rights you have as a patient (including the new European regulation and the Law on Patients' Rights). The personal data and health data are processed by Kremer aeromedical (Dr. Kremer – Dr. Lenaerts BV), contact via: Bruulstraat 7, 3071 Erps-Kwerps and are only processed for the purpose for which they were collected and only for as long as this is necessary for this purpose.

Purpose of the processing

The personal data are processed by us for the purpose of providing good health care, both for prevention and for diagnosis and treatment (GDPR article 9.1.f). We comply with the legal obligations imposed on us as a healthcare provider (GDPR article 6.1.c), and are subject to professional secrecy (or duty of confidentiality) (GDPR article 9.3). In addition, the data is processed for the purpose of whether or not to issue medical licenses (EASA and national). The processing of this data is necessary in accordance with the "COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/27 OF 19 DECEMBER 2018" and "Royal Decree of 12 JULY 2013 – Royal Decree regulating the organisation of the verification of the conditions of physical and mental fitness of the members of the flight crew of civil aircraft, cabin crew and air traffic controllers [2013/14202]"

A number of personal data can also be used for the financial processing of your consultation, for accounting processing no immediately identifiable data is used.

Certain data are also requested for scientific research. Some of these collaborations on scientific research take place within the framework of legal obligations and within the framework of public health.

In certain cases, employees also have (limited) access to certain personal data, for example when recording appointments. The purpose of this processing is to make the practice work run more smoothly, and to give the doctor sufficient time to spend on the patients (GDPR article 6.1.f). These employees are also obliged to maintain confidentiality, and do not have more access to your data than is strictly necessary for the performance of their duties. Other healthcare providers of Kremer aeromedical (Dr. Kremer – Dr. Lenaerts BV) are also bound by professional secrecy, and also only have access to those data that are necessary to take care of their share of the care.

According to the legal provisions, your medical file must be kept for 30 years. Other information that does not belong to your medical file will be kept according to the legally established periods or no longer than necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose of the processing.

Sharing of data

The data we process about you will only be shared in the context of your healthcare with other doctors or healthcare providers with whom you have a treatment relationship or otherwise shared anonymously. Only this information is shared that is necessary for your treatment by another healthcare provider.

If you have given your informed consent, this data will be made available digitally to other healthcare providers in a secure manner. Only if you enter into a treatment relationship with these healthcare providers, they will also have effective access to your data.

In the context of legal obligations such as reimbursements of assistance provided by insurance institutions, certain data are also shared with your own health insurance fund, or for uninsured patients at the expense of the OCMW, with your own OCMW.

For cooperation in scientific research, data may also be processed. All processing is carried out by authorities that have received the correct permissions and permissions for the processing of this data. Data is aggregated and all measures are taken so that it cannot be traced back to individual persons.

For the application for your medical license (EASA and national) it is necessary that, after your written approval, the details of the medical examinations and anamnesis or questionnaires, are shared with the medical authority that oversees your license (this may be a medical authority abroad. This depends on your license).

If you have given your informed consent, your data can be made available digitally to other aeromedical examiners in a secure manner. This is necessary for the correct processing of your application for medical license (EASA and national).

Your rights as a patient

You have the right to access your own personal data. You can request it, view it, correct it and possibly change it. In certain cases, you can also ask for the processing of the data to be temporarily restricted. These questions can only be refused if they pose a serious threat to your health. A request for the deletion of personal data or restriction of their processing is only possible if there are no legal obligations on the processing and retention periods of this data. Requests for access to your file can be addressed to your general practitioner/aeromedical examiner. If you have any questions or complaints, you can always contact your doctor or healthcare provider.

If you suspect a breach of the processing of your personal data and your doctor or healthcare provider cannot provide a conclusive answer, you have the option of filing a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

Legal information

Dr. Kremer - Dr. Lenaerts BV, BE 0774.568.160, contact, Regulated profession: Orde Der Artsen, general practitioner/Aeromedical examiner, bound by the Code of medical ethics, Supervisory authority: Orde der artsen, located at Jamblinne de Meuxplein 34 – 35, 1030 Brussels. Aviation medicine, Directorate-General for Aviation of the FPS Mobility, Belgium.